When is the best time to drink yogurt? Drink yoghurt to have the best effect reducing weight and filling calcium at this moment!

Compared with milk, yogurt is a drink that many people like to drink. Most women will choose to drink a cup of yogurt before going to bed. Others will prefer to have breakfast with yogurt and bread instead. Yogurt is a healthy and nutritious drink, but also has the role of weight loss and calcium. However, we must master the best time to drink yogurt, so as to be conducive to weight loss and calcium. Please read the article here.


Drinking alcohol after meals is good for absorbing nutrients

It is understood that after dinner half an hour to two hours to drink yogurt is the best time. Because after the meal is the body ph is relatively high time, such as the full growth of lactic acid bacteria in yogurt. About two hours after the meal, gastric juice will be diluted, ph will rise significantly at this time, this time to drink yogurt will be more conducive to absorb more nutrients.


2. Calcium supplements are best at night

Everyone knows to drink leben to be able to fill calcium, from the Angle of filling calcium, evening drinks leben to be very advantageous, because 12 o ‘clock in the afternoon to early morning belongs to human body blood calcium content low time, if evening drinks leben to be able to be more with the calcium absorption in leben.


However, in order to replenish calcium in their lives, many people prefer to drink milk high in calcium. In fact, although milk is high in calcium, the combination of lactic acid and calcium in yogurt can promote calcium absorption faster.


Yogurt can supplement calcium and nutrition, have the effect that reduce weight, if like to drink yogurt after a meal, this is a very good habit, and yogurt and activation of intestines and stomach digestive enzymes, can accelerate gastric bowel peristalsis, drink yogurt can slowly over a long period of time have the effect of weight loss, but it isn’t enough to rely on drinking yogurt, also want to often exercise, reasonable collocation diet to eat more vegetables.

Categorized as dairy