Why you drink leben thin do not come down these 6 big erroneous zone did you notice?

Below will give everybody popular science the 6 mistake that yoghurt drinks method. You can read the full info here.


1. Is yogurt a healthy food for all?

Many people simply think that yogurt is a healthy food, no matter men, women and children will force amway. In fact, a lot of people are not suitable to drink yogurt.


Yogurt is not suitable for people

1: one year old baby, not suitable to drink yogurt

2: people with diarrhea and intestinal diseases, be careful to drink yogurt

3: diabetic people, cholecystitis and pancreatitis patients, beware of sugary yogurt


2, yogurt for empty stomach to drink?

Yoghurt because shelf life is short, ask refrigerate commonly below the temperature of 4℃ or so. This storage means it is not suitable for drinking on an empty stomach.


Yoghurt had better be to be in after dinner 2 hours of time drink, the overnight yoghurt cup that is very popular about a while ago, the girl that does not suggest reducing weight is hollow in the morning eat, because be too cold, hurt stomach dear ~


3, yogurt can lose weight?

A lot of people say to eat a meal to drink yoghurt to be able to reduce weight, it is to eat even when full, force a meal to drink yoghurt to brush fat. Actually I want to say, this is all useless ~


Because there is no such thing as thin food. Yoghurt is also food, also have quantity of heat, if the quantity of heat that you take in today already exceeds bid, drink yoghurt to won’t help you reduce burden, can make the situation worse only!

But yogurt is a great protein source for weight loss because it’s high in protein and makes you feel fuller. For example, if you’re having whole-grain porridge for dinner, you don’t have to worry about running out of dairy and protein if you pair it with some yogurt.


4. Is yogurt more nutritious than milk?

Is yogurt more nutritious than milk? The answer is no, so why is yogurt often recommended? Because there are a considerable proportion of people in the population are lactose intolerant patients who drink milk and are prone to diarrhea, these people are not suitable to drink milk, can only drink yogurt.

But because most of the commercially available yogurt is made with added sugar, choosing the right yogurt is far more difficult than choosing the right milk. Choose milk just choose pure milk and see if it’s whole or skimmed. But when choosing yogurt, you should choose low fat and low sugar.


5. The more yogurt you drink, the better?

No matter how healthy any food is, there is still room for moderation. Excessive use of yogurt can not only lead to excessive stomach acid, but also lead to abdominal distension and diarrhea.

If you’re feeling bloated after eating, it could be from eating too much protein all at once.


6. Are yogurt and lactobacillus drinks the same thing?

Thanks to advertisements flying all over the world, we consumers should not only clearly understand what they want to buy, but also know what looks like a dime of the same thing, which is not a family at all!


Yogurt and lactobacillus drinks are not the same thing. Don’t think sour sour sweet is yogurt, yogurt must be fermented milk, and lactobacillus drinks, yogurt drinks although it sounds like yogurt, but the sugar content is very high, protein is very low, drink too much without any benefits ~


Categorized as dairy